What You Need to Know About Spay and Neuter

At Northwood Veterinary Hospital in Northwood, NH, we offer a range of health and wellness services for your pet. From wellness exams and allergy treatment to vaccinations and dental care, we are committed to providing quality care in a comfortable and friendly environment.

One service we are proud to offer is the spaying/neutering of your pet. We feel it's critical to help control the pet population, as well as to improve your pets' overall quality of life. Read on to learn more about this surgery and how it can help you and your pet:

What Is Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying is the surgical removal of the female uterus and ovaries and neutering is the surgical removal of the male testes. Spaying/neutering your pet makes it impossible for him or her to reproduce so don’t have it done if you intend to use him or her for breeding.

Is the Surgery Dangerous?

Anytime a pet is put under anesthesia there are risks involved. However, spaying and neutering are the most common surgical procedures in pets and the risks are extremely low. We will not perform any surgery on your pet until he or she passes a thorough pre-surgical exam, deeming he or she is healthy and can tolerate the anesthesia.

What Happens on the Day of Surgery?

Expect to arrive early so your pet can be examined and prepped for surgery. After the removal of the reproductive organs, your pet will be sutured and sent to recovery. We will keep you updated and let you know when your pet can go home. You can expect him or her to be groggy for about a day after the procedure.

What Are the Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?

Control of the pet population aside, spaying and neutering offers many benefits to both you and your pet, including:

  • Eliminated risk of certain cancers
  • Reduced risk of breast cancer
  • Reduced urge to run away or roam
  • Fewer issues with inappropriate urination
  • Fewer aggressive behaviors

Get Pain Management from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital

If you live in the Northwood, NH, area and are looking for an animal hospital that you can trust for your pets' needs, give us a call. Our friendly staff at Northwood Veterinary Hospital is happy to help. Call us at (603) 942-8368 for pain management from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital.


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Our Regular Schedule

Northwood Office


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-7:00 pm


7:30 am-7:00 pm


7:30 am-7:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



If you have an Emergency with your pet during our open hours, please call 603-942-8368 and be prepared to bring your pet in immediately. If you need to have emergency medical attention when we are closed, please call CAVES in Concord at 603- 227-1199 or Port City in Portsmouth at 603-433-0056. Both hospitals will keep us up to date on your pet’s care so we can coordinate treatment, if needed.

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